Soundings and Stones
Huw to write text

Sounding the life of Stones.
You would rightly wonder why I would make the clearly absurd claim that stones in some way take part in ‘consciousness’! They clearly do not in our dualist ontological atomic schema in any obvious way…..yet….maybe while we know the work of the imagination brings them into relation and life, maybe there is also some reasons for thinking that resonance and relation are shared properties…... My work in sensory anthropology has led me to explore some strange areas of theory and their related practices. My current work will give some idea of this, this is the HARK-Listening Research Project.
Sounding the life of Stones - Program
HARK events are about embodied experience and knowledge, how sound resonates in our bodies, how listening and responding to what we hear is itself generative of imaginative responses that can become art-work. We enter a sonic environment and we construct a sonic world. What we imagine when we listen speaks to how our world is given meaning by sound and particularly by here by how we punctuate it, divide it up, let it endure and interrupt it – that is, by its pulses and rhythms. It is also about how this feels when we gather in an event and do it with others in co-presence, when we know that there are both many perceptions and a kind of totality that surrounds us. It allows us also to notice our preconceptions and our preoccupations – what we want to happen and what we expect. We want to invite you to suspend some of these preconceptions and explore some new ways of listening. We might experience perceptual transfigurations as we allow ourselves to move with pulses and with a fluid sense of past, present and future…
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